MJSS Manuscript Template
Contact us: journal.mjss@gmail.com
The Manuscript
Paper should be written as concise as possible and be typed double space on A4 size paper (210 mm × 295 mm) with margin of 3.5 cm on all sides.
Article should not exceed 15 printed pages. Each paper should be numbered.
Grammar Editing
Please write your text in good English. Authors who feel their English language manuscript require editing to eliminate possible grammatical or spelling errors and to conform to correct scientific English, are suggested to send their manuscript to any English editing services. This is to avoid early rejection of the article due to grammatical error.
Title Page
The title of the paper, name of the author and full address of the institution where the work was carried out should appear on this page. A short running title not exceeding 60 characters should be provided.
An abstract not exceeding 200 words should follow immediately after the title of the paper.
A maximum of five (5) keywords are required and should be inserted accordingly below the abstract.
Tables, Figures and Plates
Tables, figures, plates and any related illustration should be put in the manuscript. Each table, figures and illustration must have a brief title. Vertical rulers should not be used.
Unit of Measurement
Metric units must be used for all measurements throughout the paper.
References cited in the text are to be listed at the end of the manuscript. They are to be arranged in alphabetical order as below:
James, J. E. Knight, V. Gamba, and R. Harrison. 2015. Deep soil: Quantification, modeling, and significance of subsurface nitrogen. Forest Ecology and Management. 336: 194-202.
In the text, references should be cited with the name of the authors(s) with the date of publication in parenthesis, e.g. Mary (2015), Kim and Lee (2016), Smith et al. (2015).
Only published items should be listed in the references section.